Why we’re nuts about nuts.
Here at Crazy Jack we don’t believe in ‘snaccidents’. Snacks can play an important role in providing extra vitamins and nutrients in our diets. Which is why we are nuts about nuts. Just one handful a day can provide a host of tasty benefits, so whether you eat them straight from the pack or throw them in a salad, smoothie or other dish, here are four fabulous reasons why we love to be nutty.
They are good for your heart.
There have been numerous studies linking eating a daily portion of nuts to a reduction in the risk of developing heart disease.
This is primarily because of their unsaturated fat content, specifically omega 3, which can help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Our bodies can’t produce this by themselves, so we need to include this essential nutrient in our diet. Walnuts have the highest amount of omega 3 of any tree nut, so are a good source of omega 3.
Nuts help build and maintain strong bones and teeth.
Phosphorous and magnesium are minerals present in all nuts, specifically cashews and almonds which have over 15% RI in 30g, and these help our bodies to release energy from food and create strong bones and teeth. Brazil nuts, in particular, are high in magnesium with a 30g serving providing a third of your recommended daily amount.
They help strengthen the immune system.
Many nuts contain vitamin E which is not only great for skin and eyes, but also helps boost the bodies defence against illness and infection. Almonds and hazelnuts have particularly high levels of vitamin E and a handful (30g) will give you over 60% of your daily recommended amount.
Nuts help build and repair tissue in every cell in your body.
That is because they contain protein and are therefore an important plant-based source of this essential nutrient. Protein builds bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and is important for blood too. Our bodies can’t store protein so it’s important to get enough in your diet, cashew nuts and almonds are the best nuts to provide a source of protein.

We’ve made it easy to get a daily dose of nutty goodness with our new almond and cashew snack packs and almond, mixed nut and fruit & nut sharing bags, available in the Wellness Aisle in Sainsbury’s or on Ocado.