Three reasons we love walnuts

11If like us you go nuts for nuts, then we hope you’ll agree with us when we say how much we love walnuts!

You may associate walnuts with Christmas time and always have a batch on the Christmas table for cracking (have you ever tried to crack two whole walnuts using just one hand, it’s a great party trick!) but there’s so much more to these wonderful nuts.

In fact, there’s so many reasons why they should be enjoyed all throughout the year that it’s been hard for us to pick just three reasons why we love walnuts – but here they are:

  • They’re good for you. Not only are walnuts super tasty, but research suggests that eating walnuts may offer benefits for heart health, cognitive health (have you ever noticed how a walnut kind of looks like a little brain…), diabetes, gut health, reproductive health and weight loss.


  • They’re the best tree nut for omega-3. Walnuts are the only tree nut to contain a significant amount of the plant-based omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 2.7g per 30g (which is approx. a handful). The body can’t make this on its own, so it must come from food.


  • They’re versatile. Walnuts can be used in a whole host of sweet and savoury dishes and bakes, and are a great healthy choice for snacking on too! Whether you use them in a Date & Walnut Banana Cake or combine them into the mixture of an Apricot Panforte, walnuts will add extra crunch and flavour to give your dish a delicious nutty boost.

If we’ve tempted you to add some walnuts to your next food shop, you’ll find our delicious organic walnut pieces as part of our baking range. Walnuts are also part of the Mixed Nuts in our Snack & Share range, which come in a handy resalable pouch, perfect for enjoying throughout the week!

FUN FACT: Did you know walnuts like to stay cool so it’s best to keep them in the fridge or freezer, as this is where they’ll retain their freshness and last longer. You can keep them in the fridge for up to 6 months or up to 12 months in the freezer (if they last that long of course, you may use them all up in your baking before then!)

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